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Sign Up for E-Notifications

E-Notify is a free subscription notification service that allows you to receive automatic notification alerts via e-mail on a variety of topics concerning Martin County Government (e.g., press releases, public notices, meetings, and employment opportunities).  E-notifications are received via a subscriber's email, indicating there has been an item added to a page.  The notification will not be specific as to the details of that update; but it will include a link to the specified page.

To sign up for E-Notify, type your email address in the box and select SIGN IN.  To subscribe or unsubscribe click the button next to the email icon of the page(s) to which you wish to subscribe/unsubscribe.  When finished, select SAVE CHANGES.

Important Notes: 
  • Subscribers will receive an email confirming their subscription.
  • The subscription must be confirmed by clicking on the link provided in the email.
  • Ensure that any email spam blockers allow receipt of emails from noreply@revize.

Anyone who subscribes to any e-notification should be aware that in accordance with the North Carolina Public Records law, found in North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 132, his or her e-mail address is considered public record.

Martin County Government is not responsible for subscriber’s email security filters not delivering email updates.

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